How is the implementation of suspension of Customs Duty?

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How is the implementation of suspension of Customs Duty?

European Union, aimed at decreasing industrialists’ manufacturing costs within the framework of Suspension Regime, suspends the customs taxes of certain intermediate products and non-produced raw material and collects taxes the rates of which are below the ‘’Common Customs Tariff’’ for importation of goods from third countries. Lists about those goods are represented to our national legislation with adding of the list numbered V to Import Regime Decision.
Even though goods taking place on this list are classified on the same tariffs with goods taking place on the added list (numbered II) to Regime Decision, goods of the list numbered V are different from that of the list numbered II in respect of intended purpose of utilization and additional technical features.
Purpose of utilization and features of goods taking place on the list numbered V are defined broadly. If goods take place on both lists numbered II and V, lower customs tax rate is implemented.